Saturday, July 15, 2017

Summer 2017 at the movies


Baby Driver
  • Review: 5/5
  • A wholly unique cinematic experience.  It's got thrilling car chases, a drive-in movie vibe, choreographed musical scenes (yes. it does.), snappy dialogue, pedal to the medal pacing, lots of love for iPods, genuine on-screen chemistry between the leads, and a helluva soundtrack.  Plus Don Draper, Cinderella, Django, Shane from The Walking Dead, Flea, and Frank Underwood (*I mean Jon Hamm, Lily James, Jamie Foxx, Jon Bernthal, Flea, and Kevin Spacey).  Need I say more?  Go see it (in theaters). 

Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Review: 5/5
  • Tom Holland is the definitive Spider-Man.  Of course, I had my doubts with this being the third attempt/reboot at the series in the last 15 years (hard to believe it's been that long since the original Tobey Maguire / Sam Raimi interpretation).  But they just nailed it.  Tom Holland plays the titular role to perfection capturing the essence of the character: cool, dorky, clumsy, funny, smart, and brave - just like the webslinger ought to be.  The supporting cast is also great.  Notably, Michael Keaton has had an interesting career path: Batman --> Birdman --> Vulture.  Homecoming also fits snugly into the ever-expanding Marvel canon (with little Easter Eggs sprinkled throughout) while existing in its own right as a stand-alone summer popcorn flick.  The inclusion of Iron Man and Captain America is done in a way that's very clever and works quite well.  Fortunately, we aren't made to sit through the superhero backstory once again (the whole spider bite, parent issues, Uncle Ben thing, etc) which we've already seen twice in the last two decades.  Rather, the film takes a different approach, getting viewers up-to-speed with Peter Parker's "home movie" (shot on his smart phone) which serves to set the stage for the action that's about to take place.  Very nice.  Spider-Man: Homecoming represents the best of Marvel and is hilarious, action-packed, full of heart, and entertaining from start to finish.  

It Comes at Night
  • Review: 5/5
  • Awesome.  It Comes at Night represents a particular brand of horror/suspense, arguing that what you imagine is often far worse than what you are shown on the screen.  The title's meaning is multifactorial, but most literally refers to the evening nightmares experienced by one of the film's main characters (a teenager).  Like the main characters, we are trapped within a relatively confined space throughout the 90-minute runtime.  The sense of claustrophobia, suspicion, doubt, fear, and mistrust is palpable.  Characters' motives are often left ambiguous, and the viewer is forced to decide who to trust.  It's compelling.  The film is a master class at avoiding the need to over-explain or over-load with dialogue while still conveying a sense of exposition and setting the scene.  We understand the dystopian nature of the film's world without being given all of the details, which works perfectly.  The ending will undoubtedly polarize viewers, particularly those who like all of their questions answered.  However, It Comes at Night quietly sneaks onto the film scene as a modern classic.

Wonder Woman
  • Review 4.5/5
  • Gal Gadot is perfect.  Love the retro vibe, the perfect chemistry between the leads, the optimism, the bravery, the comedy, the killer soundtrack (Wonder Woman soundtrack, click here!), and the awesome action sequences!  Wonder Woman represents a hero all viewers can aspire to be like, one who won't back down in the face of adversity but rather takes it on when others refuse to.  Note: I would've given it 5/5 if not for the opening voice-over narration (not a fan, you don't need it!).

Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2
  • Review: 4.5/5
  • I can't stop listening to the soundtrack.  Guardians 2 offers fans of the original more of the zany antics, hilarious dialogue, beautiful cinematography/CGI, and colorful cast that we've come to expect from the MCU.  It has an abundance of heart, laughs, action, and old school music.  A thoroughly enjoyable sequel from start to finish.

Alien: Covenant
  • Review: 4/5
  • The sequel to 2012's Prometheus succeeds for one reason: David (Michael Fassbender).  Once again, he nails the part of the tricky little humanoid throughout the film, and this time in a dual performance.  The film is worth seeing for his performance alone.  Director Ridley Scott appears once again drawn to the hefty themes he has explored in previous films: the nature of creation, man vs machine, the consequences of exploration, deception in space.  His direction is seasoned and confident, but the film is also wrought with horror cliches.  As what seems to be a direct response to the lack of the xenomorph in Prometheus, there is an abundance of the ever-evolving alien wreaking havoc on the humans throughout the film's runtime.  While Covenant falls short of classic status, it certainly delivers the thrills and represents another stellar performance from one of the modern day great actors.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  • Review: 3/5
  • Has a distinct "not as bad as the last one" but also "not as good as the first three" vibe.  Fortunately, most of the original cast are back to reprise their roles for the (?)farewell entry into the Pirates canon.  Newcomer Javier Bardem is a welcome addition and remains one of my favorite modern day actors.  There are a few really nice action sequences (pirate-zombie-sharks?  Yes.).  And I never get tired of Barbosa's classic laugh (click here for Barbosa!).  Overall, this Pirates film can tread water much better than the last entry but still can't compete with the original trilogy for sheer fun adventure at sea on the big screen.

The Mummy
  • Review: 2/5
  • Unfortunately, the reboot of The Mummy and start of Universal's "Dark Universe" (basically the upcoming rehash of classic movie monsters a-la The Avengers formula) isn't all that much fun.  There is a severe lack of chemistry between the leads and overall forgettable quality that permeates throughout its runtime.  Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the Stephen Sommers Mummy movies from 1999 and 2001.  They were fun, exciting, iconic, quotable, and perfect summer action blockbuster adventure films.  The reboot can't quite decide what tone it wants: part-comedy (but not that funny), part-action (but not that exciting), part-horror (but not that scary). Another glaring problem with the reboot this year is that most of the film takes place outside of the desert.  Much of the action takes place in London, and it can't help but feel somewhat out of place (however, it was a nice touch to have windows exploding to create the sand throughout the streets).  The final act "twist" regarding one of the main characters will polarize viewers.  A disappointing start to what could be a promising series of interconnected films.
Image source:

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sequel Nation

After almost two years... the blog is back!

With the release of The Fate of the Furious marking the 8th Fast & Furious film in the franchise to date (and at least two more on the way),  I felt this was a nice opportunity to reflect on the popularity of the Hollywood sequel.

Since the 1980's, sequel films have consistently dominated the box office of their respective decades.

Below are the highest grossing films of the last several decades.  The films in BOLD are sequels.
  • Highest grossing films of the 1980's
    • E.T.
    • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
    • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Batman --> start of a franchise
    • Raiders of the Lost Ark --> start of a franchise
    • Ghostbusters --> start of a franchise
    • Beverly Hills Cop --> start of a franchise
    • Back to the Future --> start of a franchise
    • Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
    • Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
  • Highest grossing films of the 1990's
    • Titanic
    • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
    • Jurassic Park
    • The Lion King --> start of a franchise
    • Forrest Gump
    • Independence Day --> start of a franchise
    • The Sixth Sense
    • Home Alone --> start of a franchise
    • Men in Black --> start of a franchise
    • Toy Story 2
  • Highest grossing films of the 2000's
    • Avatar --> start of a franchise
    • LOTR: Return of the King
    • Pirates: Dead Man's Chest
    • The Dark Knight
    • Harry Potter: Sorcerer's Stone
    • Pirates: At World's End
    • Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix
    • Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince
    • LOTR: The Two Towers
    • Shrek 2
  • Highest grossing films of the 2010's
    • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    • Jurassic World
    • The Avengers
    • Furious 7
    • Avengers: Age of Ultron
    • Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2
    • Frozen --> start of a franchise?
    • Iron Man 3
    • Minions
    • Captain America: Civil War
Clearly, the American film-going audience has shelled out several billions of dollars to see cinematic sequels over the past 30+ years.  It should come as no surprise that the folks in Hollywood continue to churn out more every year.  With summer fast approaching, we can expect the same this year.  

Granted, many of the franchises above consistently generate solid & thoroughly entertaining films.   The Harry Potter and Star Wars series have both deviated from the original canon films & created prequel franchises in recent years (i.e. Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story).  There seems no foreseeable end in sight to the possible storylines which could be created in these vast cinematic landscapes.  

Another recent trend has been the blurring of the lines between film & television.  The most clear example is the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which characters cross between the big & little screen interchangeably.  This seems to be much more commonplace than in years past.

Series which have entries in both film & television:
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Fargo
  • Lethal Weapon
  • Sherlock Holmes (various iterations)
  • Mission Impossible
  • 21 Jump Street
  • Chips
  • Scream
So why do we pay so much to see these sequels?  For the most part, they are fun.  Sequels broadly fall into one of two main categories: action/adventure & comedy.  There are, of course, exceptions, but the vast majority either take the viewer on a thrill ride of heightened reality or through an hour & a half of laughs.  Another reason is familiarity - we've seen the characters before and are already attached or invested in them in some capacity, whether it be from a previous film, book, or TV series.  The audience for many of these films is international, and the franchises are all across the globe. 

I've never been one to suggest that just because something is popular or mainstream that means that it's bad.  Many of the above films & franchises are some of my favorites, and they are ones that I've watched time & time again.  But when you notice that every other movie showtime over the next few months is a sequel/prequel/reboot/re-imagining/big-screen-adaptation, make no mistake - it's nothing new.

And just in case you're wondering, I haven't seen The Fate of the Furious... yet.

I previously wrote on this topic: here.

Image source: grossing stats:

Saturday, August 22, 2015

10 Lesser Known Recent Movie Gems

The following films are clear examples that the future of movies is still as bright and as promising as ever.  Despite hundreds of years of movie-making that have preceded them, the movies below are still surprising, engaging, and unpredictable.  Many of the them have young, talented directors at the helm with unique, innovative visions.  Check em out.  They won't disappoint.

All of these films are available on Blu-Ray / DVD (or soon will be).  Many are already available on Netflix and other streaming sites or On Demand.

*Presented in no particular order.

#1 = A Most Violent Year 

This film is from the same family tree as cinematic classics like The Godfather and Goodfellas.  In addition to smart, capable direction from J.C. Chandor, Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain just blow it out of the park as the two leads.  The dynamic between the two is powerful and entirely engaging.  The film plays like a time bomb just waiting to explode, until the final gun goes off in the third act.  Don't go in expecting an action thriller as the title might suggest.  But if you go along for the ride, A Most Violent Year is a rewarding, intelligent film that might be one of the finest ones Hollywood has released in recent memory.

#2 = The Guest

If you liked Drive, then The Guest is right up your alley.  Like Drive, the film plays like a drive-in 80's era thriller with a modern twist.  It's effortlessly cool.  Featuring a killer soundtrack and sleek cinematography (the end scene at the haunted house... awesome), The Guest subverts its classic premise with style and ingenuity.

#3 = It Follows

A truly creepy premise (which I won't spoil here) sets the backdrop for this entirely unique cinematic experience.  Another recent gem with a unique and suitably unsettling soundtrack which nicely adds to the already high tension and striking visuals.  It Follows represents a new take on the classic "teens having sex in horror movies" schtick.  This one is unforgettable, wild, and has several nice scares.

#4 = Ex Machina

An engrossing exploration behind a tried and true science fiction staple - man vs. machine.  The film raises questions about the nature of creation, ingenuity, madness, and innovation all wrapped up in a stylized presentation (and one heck of an ending).  Beautifully shot and fully engaging, Ex Machina is a modern science fiction classic that should not be missed.

#5 = Short Term 12

An "indie drama" about teens with a slew of behavioral issues that's both touching and heartbreaking, often at the same time.  It fully immerses you into the world in which the characters reside, which proves stressful one minute but totally worth it and rewarding the next.  The film wears its heart on its sleeve, much like its characters.  This is a movie with heart and soul that hits a nerve and leaves an impression.

#6 = The Babadook

The film cleverly conveys its messages about grief, family, and sanity under the guise of an Australian horror film.  This is what the horror genre is all about - taking everyday fears and horrors and creating a parable to allow its characters (and the audience) to confront and conquer them.  The Babadook is filled with creepy, atmospheric tension and imagery without relying on cheap thrills or scare tactics to achieve its effect.

#7 = The Skeleton Twins

Bill Hader and Krist Wiig use their comedic backgrounds to pull you into this "dramedy", which actually leans closer to the dramatic side of the scale.  That's not to say The Skeleton Twins isn't funny, because it is.  But the film also deals with serious issues at its core.  It deftly walks the line between drama and comedy often with sudden shifts in tone.  The film smartly uses staging to deconstruct and nuance its two main characters, exploring their complex interrelationships and personalities.   With several familiar faces in supporting roles to boot, The Skeleton Twins is a memorable piece of filmmaking that fully fleshes out its characters and engages the viewer throughout its duration.

#8 = Robot and Frank

This is a funny little sci-fi indie comedy about a retired criminal and his newfound friendship with a robot.  What more is there to say?  The film is a smart, touching, poignant, surprising portrait of aging that's definitely worth checking out.

#9 = Kumiko The Treasure Hunter 

This film is inspired by a real life urban legend which may or may not have been a real story.  It goes something like this: a woman from Tokyo finds a VHS copy of the movie Fargo and becomes obsessed with finding the money buried by Steve Buscemi's character; her journey takes her across oceans from Japan to Minnesota in search of her fortune.  The film is great.  It's beautifully shot and visually spectacular.  Rinko Kikuchi shines in the lead role, and we see the world through her eyes.  Even if you haven't seen Fargo, you can appreciate this quirky independent gem.  It takes several tonal turns that are unexpected and surprising, much like Kumiko herself.

#10 = Nightcrawler

 Jake Gyllenhaal does an outstanding job in the title role (which has nothing to do with X-Men).  The film is essentially a character study, in the same vein as Taxi Driver, that explores the dark psyche of its lead.  Gyllenhaal's character is born out of the information age, searching out for the dirtiest, juiciest pulp stories that rise to the surface after the clock strikes midnight.  His wide-eyed character never seems to sleep or get tired and is always scanning for information.  It's a fascinating film that's often tough to stomach but hard to resist.

BONUS: #11 = Jurassic World  

You may have heard of this recent indie film that didn't go on to break any major box office records at all.  But if you haven't... this is a fantastic popcorn sequel to one of the greatest Hollywood movies of all time.  Of course, it doesn't surpass the original.  But it does offer two hours worth of beautiful cinematography, smart use of visual effects, and awesome set pieces.  The film is fun from beginning to end and is riddled with subtle (and not so subtle) nods to the original Jurassic Park from 1993.  Jurassic World features a number of clever scenes that are inspired by old school visual storytelling and fueled by over 20 years worth of nostalgia.  It's awesome to see the original park come to life, and then, of course, get destroyed by the final act.  Chris Pratt pulls off the daunting task of filling the title role and continues his run as one of Hollywood's new action/comedy talents.  This one should be seen on the big screen, and it's returning to IMAX theaters next week.  Go see it again!

Image Sources:


Friday, March 13, 2015

Top 10 Favorite Films

Without a doubt, the question I get asked the most is "what's your favorite movie?"  When I inevitably cannot come up with an answer, I'm often offered a second option: "OK, what's your top 10?"  This list changes from moment to moment, day to day, and year to year.  It's entirely possible that I still haven't even seen my favorite movie or what I'd consider to be the best movie ever made yet.

In making this list, I notice a few things: 

I have left off any animated films, despite thoroughly enjoying many.

- Only one foreign film made the list, despite the fact that there are a great many excellent films from around the globe.

- 4 out of the 10 are in black & white.

- 2 are films of Steven Spielberg, whom I greatly admire.  His canon of work never ceases to amaze me, and at least ten of his films could be in a favorites list of their own.

- Directors like Scorsese, Fincher, Soderbergh, Tarantino, and others are somehow left off.  All are hugely talented.

At any rate, here's today's top 10 list.I've broken it down into my 5 favorite movies and what I consider to be 5 of the best films.  Enjoy!


Annie Hall (1977)
#5 Favorite Movie

Woody Allen's masterpiece.  A classic on all accounts, from start to finish.  The opening & closing dialogue are particularly memorable, but Allen's comic wit and Keaton's irresistible charm do the leg work.

Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
#4 Favorite Movie

I often describe this film as being alive, as if it's a living, breathing thing.  It certainly feels that way.  What a stunning blend of naturalism and fantasy, all done using non-actors, location shooting, and practical effects.

Fargo (1996)
#3 Favorite Movie

Fargo is one of the many Coen Bros great films.  No Country For Old Men could easily compete for its spot on the list.  What sets Fargo apart is its heart, humor, colorful cast, and endlessly quotable script.  The performances are all spot on and the directing is typically top notch.
Beginners (2011)
#2 Favorite Movie 

Beginners is a hole-in-the-wall movie that gained attention after Christopher Plummer won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance in the film.  The film deals with 3 main characters at turning points in their lives.  What we get is a touching, poignant, and heartfelt depiction of modern relationships as well as a photo album of memories.  It's clever and entirely unique.

JURASSIC PARK adventure sci-fi fantasy dinosaur movie film rain wallpaper background
Jurassic Park (1993)
#1 Favorite Movie

This is hands down the movie I have seen the most but never get tired of.  Seeing it in IMAX 3D recently for its 20th anniversary was one of the best times I've had at the movies, ever.  The film is literally a theme park on screen.  It delivers the thrills and was a breakthrough in the visual effects world, which is now littered throughout modern cinema.  Jurassic Park has aged well and remains fun, quotable, and unforgettable.


Psycho (1960)
#5 Best Film

My favorite Hitchcock film.  The brilliant director opted for thrills and suspense over blood and gore.  The film features several characters who could be considered "psychos" based on their respective psychology.  Hitch's use of shadow, careful use of close-up, and sound/music all create the atmosphere of this classic thriller.  Anthony Perkins turns in a pitch perfect performance as the infamous Norman Bates.
Citizen Kane (1941)
#4 Best Film

Orson Welles is a true master.  His skill behind the camera is undeniable in Citizen Kane.  The film features a dizzying array of trick shots, deep focus, and innovative camera work that might be taken for granted to the untrained eye.  Even if you're not watching for the camerawork, the story itself is enough to get you hooked as you try to decipher the meaning behind the mysterious "Rosebud."  This one makes it onto countless Top 10 lists, and for good reason.

Saving Private Ryan (1998)
#3 Best Film 

This is the standard by which all modern war movies are judged.  The film is harshly realistic, strikingly beautiful, and intimately personal.  Each shot is composed with the level of technical skill that a painter would implore on a canvas.  Spielberg paints his picture over nearly 3 hours, without a dull moment.  With Tom Hanks leading a cast of talented actors, Saving Private Ryan is a modern classic.

Breathless (1960)
#2 Best Film

Breathless is the only French New Wave film to make the list, but I love many of them.  The film doesn't get old for me.  Director Jean-Luc Godard is essentially redefining cinema through his radical techniques and various cinematic and editing styles.  The interplay between the two leads is great to watch as Godard picks apart the Hollywood Gangster film and simultaneously creates a new genre entirely.
Casablanca (1942)
#1 Best Film

Casablanca has one of the best screenplays of all time, phenomenal acting, a classic romance set in WWII, and numerous memorable scenes.  It typifies what the term Classic Hollywood means. Even people that "don't like" black & white films still enjoy Casablanca.  Roger Ebert himself said it might just be his favorite movie on his commentary for the film.  Over 70 years after its initial release, I think it's safe to say that Casablanca has stood the test of time.


Image sources:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 2015 Reviews

Here are some quick bullet points on recent releases that can be viewed either in theaters or at home (legally, please).  

The One I Love: 5/5

Brilliant.  A truly original work that defies genre while holding the modern relationship under the microscope.  This contemplative film exists all by itself with a bare bones cast (essentially two actors, an actress, and a couple extras) that you can't help but be drawn towards.  Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss offer truly nuanced, subtle, skilled performances that would reward multiple viewings.  I wouldn't dare give away the plot, but suffice it to say that this is one masterpiece that seems to have flown under the radar.  

The Imitation Game: 5/5

Brilliantly scripted and acted, The Imitation Game is captivating right from the get go.  Benedict Cumberbatch excels once again and will make a strong run for Best Actor during this year's Oscars (whether or not he actually wins will be another matter).  It's thrilling, timely, and completely engaging - truly a "based on a true story" film done right.

Wild: 4/5

Reese Witherspoon turns in a phenomenal performance.  However, the (relatively) unsung stars of this film are Laura Dern as supporting actress and Jean-Marc VallĂ©e behind the camera.  The film is challenging and beautifully shot.  I appreciate films that play with the portrayal of memory, complicating what could be done with a simple flashback into a more realistic montage of thoughts and images that whiz in and out of consciousness (or on screen, in this case).  Wild lives up to its title with stellar editing, acting, and directing making it truly a tour de force on all accounts.

American Sniper: 4/5

This is one where I actually read the book before seeing the film.  The film certainly takes a few cinematic liberties with the facts for the sake of drama.  That's fine. The memoir and the movie are both riveting in their own right.  Bradley Cooper is absolutely fantastic in the title role.  And you get your typical dose of patriotism from director Clint Eastwood.  To preempt the natural comparisons, the film doesn't quite live up to the recent Iraq films of Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty).  In all fairness, the film is extremely well made and gripping.  With many memorable moments, American Sniper represents an admirable addition to the recent collection of excellent films regarding the conflict in Iraq.

Top Five: 4/5

As you might expect, Top Five is often outlandish, but also occasionally touching.  Regardless of which tone a given scene may take, the film is immensely entertaining from start to finish.  Chris Rock directs and stars in a surprisingly thoughtful incite into the entertainment business, the nature of public relationships, and the psyche of "celebrities" that delivers the laughs along with its messages.

Big Hero 6: 4/5

Modern animated films have proven time and time again that their target audience is much more than children alone.  Big Hero 6 is a thoroughly enjoyable superhero film that only adds to the list of outstanding Pixar films.  It works as an action film, a celebration (and cautionary tale) of technological advance, and as a family film.  The film embraces modern medical achievements and converts it into a palatable experience for the audience.  This is the kind of film where the heroes are intelligent and have a love for learning, an important concept to instill in today's youth.  

Into the Woods: 4/5

An undeniably enjoyable, comic twist on some tried and true fairy tales.  With a diversely talented cast, excellent score, and suitably magical visuals, Into the Woods makes for a wonderfully entertaining time at the movies.

Big Eyes: 4/5 

Christoph Waltz and Amy Adams turn in phenomenal performances, yet again!  Director Tim Burton takes a welcome break from his typically gothic subject matter to give us a timely biopic, all while maintaining his knack for visual splendor.

You're Next: 3.5/5

A gruesome horror film that succeeds almost solely upon the shoulders of its unlikely hero, which I won't spoil.  The film does have a nice mix of dark comedy and brutal action violence, allowing it to rise above genre cliches.  The end result is a better-than-average home invasion flick that manages to achieve enough originality to separate itself from the pack.

Image Sources:,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNHPrg7MIImOq6dSJNPksXtkFjjy7w&ust=1421637570865423

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part 1: thoughts

Dear Movie Moguls,

If you're going to split a single book into two or more (i.e. The Hobbit) films, you better make them ALL amazing.  Harry Potter & co. got it right with The Deathly Hallows parts 1 & 2: the first was effective tension that nicely set up an action-packed capper to the series.  The latest addition to The Hunger Games was a huge disappointment following two excellent film adaptations.  If we are presented 4 films on 3 books (or the insane Peter Jackson approach 3 films for 1 book), you can't have the first of the final two be mediocre set-up for the final chapter.  That's a cop out.  Instead, make one film that kicks butt even if it ends up clocking in at 3+ hours.  The counter argument to those who insist on proclaiming "the book is better than the movie" has always been to make a better movie.  Not to give audiences 1.5 OK movies from a single novel.  Interestingly, the author of Fight Club has gone on record stating that he felt the film adaptation beat out his own novel.  Filmgoers deserve better if they're going to line up at the movie theaters and continue to support the industry.  I'm definitely not asking for non-stop action, but some level of suspense and tension would be much appreciated.  This FEELS like half of a story, an unfinished entry, not one that could stand alone and succeed like the Potter films.  At the end of the day, Mockingjay part 1 is a forgettable entry that stands alongside two exceptional films that preceded it.  Here's hoping the final chapter doesn't disappoint.

Citizen J.Kane

2.5 out of 5 stars (I mean, it wasn't the worst movie in the world either)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 2014 at the movies

All three of the following films are compelling examples of modern cinema and fully worth the trip to the theater.  I'd recommend each of them.

Gone Girl: Without a doubt the biggest "water cooler" film of the year.  Once you see it, you'll immediately know what all the buzz is about.  One of the things that interested me most is the above image.  We see this at two key points in the film: the opening and the closing.  How we react to this image is dramatically influenced by everything revealed between those two points.  The image is the same, but our knowledge of the characters and their motives are vastly different.  Is she guilty, surprised, deceitful, afraid, malicious, victimized, or some combination?  This is the type of film in which you can't even trust the cat.  Everyone is under the microscope, and director David Fincher is behind the oculars.  He's a master of creating atmosphere and tension.  Gone Girl is a carefully crafted and expertly directed whodunnit with plenty of play on point of view and the ambiguous nature of an investigation.

Fury: If you thought a movie that was about a crew of five men in a tank could be anything less than riveting, think again.  Fury enters into a long list of WW2 films and features all of the usual archetypal soldiers: the war wearied leader, the God-fearing religious man, the new kid (whose experience introduces the audience to war), the foreigner, and the grunt.  Fortunately, each of these characters is brought to life by outstanding actors who blend together and play off each other perfectly.  The tank scenes in the belly of the beast suggest that each man is totally dependent on the next to "do your job - do what you're here for", no matter how gruesome.  Director David Ayer extracts tension from every frame of the film and warns you never to let your guard down.  However, one standout scene took place off the battlefield - the encounter with the two German girls in a worn-torn city.  The scene is still fraught with tension which shifts from one character to the next as the main characters cycle through the frames.  Not to worry - the battle sequences do not disappoint, nor do they feel tired or old hat.  Anchored by Brad Pitt, Fury is a fantastic WW2 film that stands among the best of them.

Birdman:  Wow.  A stunning example of intricately designed filmmaking, bursting with originality and technical prowess.  The entire cast and crew are at the top of their games and have successfully created a truly phenomenal cinematic masterpiece.  Birdman is a departure from director Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu's typically morose yet gripping films (Babel, 21 Grams, etc.).  Rather, the film is enveloped in the world of the theater, with flights of fancy at every corner.   The film works on many levels: as a reaction to the recent influx/excess of superhero blockbusters that have been dominating cinemas as of late; a psychological character study of its protagonist (pictured above and portrayed by Michael Keaton, who is sure to earn deserved recognition for his performance); a genre-bending filmmaking experiment in which the director pushes the limits of the long take;  a multi-layered original film that tackles the very nature of creativity/acting/fiction all while juggling multiple, interconnected story lines.  It's a dizzying experience that's wholly one-of-a-kind.

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Birdman =
Fury =
Gone Girl =