Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mr. Nobody - Welcome to America!

Poster for the upcoming U.S. release of Mr. Nobody.

Mr. Nobody seems to be an overlooked masterpiece.  I saw this over a year ago based on a friend's recommendation, and now it's getting an overdue U.S. release.  The film is absolutely fascinating and brilliantly shot.  Its vibrant visuals enhance the vivid imagination of the film's main character.  The scope of Mr. Nobody is daunting, ranging from the history of the universe to entropy to family dynamics to love.  It's an incredible amount of ideas that branch off each other, all stemming from the nature of decisions.  Mr. Nobody suggests that a single decision can completely alter one's future and that, given the ability to decide, anything remains possible.  The runtime is lengthy at about 2 1/2 hours, but Mr. Nobody will keep your interest and your brain racing throughout.  Make an effort to see this movie.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Note: I don't own the rights to any of the photos on this website.  They're copied here from Google images for entertainment purposes only.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Captain Phillips, Gravity, Insidious 2

I had to write up some overdue reviews of movies that I actually liked after scribbling about The Counselor.  Go watch any of these instead!

Captain Phillips
  • Suspenseful?  Yes.  Masterpiece?  Not quite, but close.  The film maintains tension for about 2 hours, a feat which is far from easy (especially for a biopic).  However, it doesn't seem to utilize its setting to full effect (I thought more time should be spent on the main ship) and falls short of thriller perfection.  Nonetheless, the film is fraught with tension and showcases memorable performances from both Tom Hanks at the helm and all the supporting players.  Tom Hanks just nails his role and makes the real life character seem like a genuine hero.  The film's final act is particularly well executed (and awesome).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5

  • A film that should be seen in theaters (in 3-D or IMAX) or not at all.  The film is an experience, and one that demands viewing on the big screen.  The image above is a perfect example; it fails to capture the sheer scale and impact the film has on a screen 20x its size.  Director Alfonso Cuaron has created a space epic that perfectly utilizes computer generated technology to craft a tale of survival in a way that's both artfully done and spectacular to no end.  This a film that isn't as much about plot as it is about spectacle and innovation.  Truly worth the price of admission.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Insidious: Chapter 2
  • An admirable follow up to the original.  Definitely delivers on the scares (had a few jumps in the theater myself) and the stylistics.  It cleverly taps into the original and plays with the "rules" laid down in the first installment.  Overall, a worthy sequel to the entertaining original).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5

Note: I don't own the rights to any of the photos on this website.  They're copied here from Google images for entertainment purposes only.

The Counselor (Review)

Two of Hollywood's finest actors trapped in a film that's just all around miserable.

This movie was perhaps the biggest disappointment I've ever had going to the movies.  Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, and Brad Pitt are three of my favorite actors working in Hollywood today (not to mention Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz thrown into the mix).  Pair them with Ridley Scott (whose impressive canon of movies need not be mentioned) and you would think it'd be a match made in cinematic heaven.  In The Counselor's case, it couldn't be further from the truth.  The fatal flaw in the film is its abysmal script.  It's nearly completely devoid of suspense, overly complicated, uninteresting, and heavy-handed to the point of ridicule (hint: three different characters define the word "greed" for the viewer.  Hmm...).  The actors do their very best with what little they are given - Javier Bardem is always enjoyable to watch, even if his characters are typically unsavory.  This had such potential to be an amazing thriller and a new favorite of mine.  Instead, it made every possible wrong choice when it came to plot and fell flat on nearly every level.  It makes me sad how little I enjoyed this film, despite a few shining moments (i.e. the "bolito" was pretty unforgettable, in a good way).  Otherwise, what a complete and utter shame.

Rating: 1.5 out of 5

Note: I don't own the rights to any of the photos on this website.  They're copied here from Google images for entertainment purposes only.