Thursday, January 2, 2014

Favorites of 2013

Lists should only be the start of a conversation, never the end of one.

I mean, how can you make a "Top 10" list if you haven't seen every single movie of the year?  So here's my list of favorites (not to be confused with "the best of 2013").

Feel free to rip it apart.

Favorite Films of 2013
  1. Frances Ha
  2. The Wolf of Wall Street
  3. American Hustle 
  4. Before Midnight
  5. 12 Years a Slave 
  6. Spring Breakers
  7. Blackfish
  8. Much Ado About Nothing
  9. The Conjuring
  10. Gravity
**One of these will likely be the Best Picture winner this year.

**I haven't seen the following films (and many many more) at the time of making this list:

- Inside Llewyn Davis, Her, Blue is the Warmest Color, Nebraska, The Bling Ring, Stories We Tell, Mud, Behind the Candelabra, The Spectacular Now, The Butler

The Best Time I Had At The Movies in 2013
  • Jurassic Park in IMAX 3-D, hands down.

Favorite TV Shows of 2013
  1. Breaking Bad
  2. The Walking Dead 
  3. Masters of Sex
  4. House of Cards
  5. Mad Men / Homeland (both seasons were the series' low points)