Saturday, September 1, 2012

Celeste and Jesse Forever - Review

You want to be right or you want to be happy?

Celeste and Jesse Forever gets off to a great start.   We're presented with a montage of images that give us the bullet points of the title couple's relationship.  It's like flipping through a photo album where the people start off happy and deeply in love, separate, and then attempt to regain happiness together as best friends.  Celeste and Jesse still love each other, but are no longer IN love.  Their friends don't understand and disapprove of their post-break-up relationship.  The film begs the following question: can two people stay together ("forever") even after breaking up?  It's like a character study, but for a relationship.  Both members of the partnership explore new potential lovers (some with shockingly bad results), but can't seem to totally avoid one another.  The story is refreshing and attempts a level of honesty that many films do not.  There are a few sub plots that could've been withheld and wouldn't have been missed, but the originality and outstanding soundtrack distract from the film's flaws.  Of course I won't spoil what the relationship status of Celeste and Jesse is at the end of the film.  That's not really the point anyways.  It's about two people who discover new ways to find each other and continually redefine their relationship.

4 out of 5

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