Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild - Review

"The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right. If one piece busts, even the smallest piece... the entire universe will get busted."

If ever a movie could be considered alive, it's Beasts of the Southern Wild.  This is a movie that must be seen, heard, felt, and experienced.  There's an energy throughout the film that's unlike any other I've seen.  It's powerful.

The film is teeming with ideas, teeming with life itself.  Its inspiring, central character is a 7-year-old called "Hushpuppy."  She reflects, "I see that I am a little piece of a big, big universe."  But there's nothing little about her presence in the film.  She's a fierce child of nature, exploring and discovering the world around her.  The film presents us with a blend of her vibrant imagination and the stark reality of the world in which she lives - a fictional bayou known as "the bathtub," perhaps because of how quickly it fills up with water during the storm.  

There isn't a moment in Beasts of the Southern Wild that doesn't feel magical or uniquely enchanting.  The music, the non-actors, the imagery.  It all registered with me on an emotional level.  The film appeals to the animal within and offers us a totally original cinematic experience.


5 out of 5

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